Bopping with Niall JP O'Leary

Niall O'Leary insists on sharing his hare-brained notions and hysterical emotions. Personal obsessions with cinema, literature, food and alcohol feature regularly.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Saturdays are always quiet

No matter how early we got up, we were never going to get into a beer tent today (30/09/06). That was especially sad as newly arrived Ed had never seen the inside of one before. We stood at the side of one and allowed him to peer in hoping he'd be satisfied. Given the rest of the day, I think he was.

On from the Festival we went to an "ordinary" beer garden, the Augustiner. I will not relate the circumstances which led to my glasses (the ones on my face) being filled with bread, I will only say once more that it was a scandal!

On to a restaurant for more drink, another bar for more drink, and then a huge nightclub for more drink (including Champagne! Nice one, Dave and Ed!!!!!). You might suppose then that we had a lot of drink. We did.

That was Saturday 30th. At 10.20 on Sunday morning Ed had a flight home. At 9.10 he began to snore very loudly, waking me from my beauty sleep. Intending to speak to his unconscious mind, I asked him to shut it. His unconscious mind, unprepared to listen, left it to his conscious mind, which, awake, suddenly noticed he had one hour ten minutes to travel the forty minute trip to the airport, to check in, get through security and fly home. Barry had somehow ended up with Ed's mobile phone and alarm call. It is to Ed's credit that he made it!

Dave, Phil, Barry, Nigel and Tom go on a jaunt

Rough night

Ed's happy!


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