Bopping with Niall JP O'Leary

Niall O'Leary insists on sharing his hare-brained notions and hysterical emotions. Personal obsessions with cinema, literature, food and alcohol feature regularly.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Wedding, Credit and Sim

The sim card in my phone died on Sunday. In my grief, I huddled in my room, unwilling, well unable to make contact with the outside world. I don't know which is worse; that we depend on our phones so much, or that we think we do. As it happened, I had to conserve energy and resources for Monday anyhow.
My old video producer (he's younger than me, so I hate to think what that makes me) was getting married on Bank Holiday Monday in Trim. I can't remember when or even if I was in Trim last, but the castle certainly makes an impression when you arrive. The church was right next door to the church too, which made things even more attractive. Anyhow Barry, the best man, if you're reading, you should have done stand-up; best best man speech I've ever heard. And that was the tenor of the whole day. With the setting, the incredible weather and the inevitable alcohol, it was good-humoured right through to that 5.30 stagger to bed. Only wish I got tall girl Deirdre's phone number; damn that sim card!


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